Już w sobotę (19.10.2013) na wydziale Automatyki, Elektroniki i Informatyki Politechniki Śląskiej przy ul. Akademickiej 16 w Gliwicach odbędzie się w pełni otwarta konferencja SpreadIT. Podzielona została na trzy ścieżki – inżynieria oprogramowania, programowanie gier oraz tematyki miękkie. Z prezentacją make your project SOLID wystąpimy w pierwszej z nich o godzinie 14:30.
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Category Archives: PHP
(English) xsolve-google-auth-bundle
Few days ago we released a first edition of xsolve-google-auth-bundle (you can fin it on GitHub) which is connecting google authorization and authentication with FOSUserBundle.
After installation you can define where users can sign in with google account and, if they do not exist in your database when new accounts would be created. Bundle allows to open an application for all users or only from specific domain.
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Facebook fanpage feed
Last time I wrote an article about how to get last posts from facebook fan page to your website’s feed. Procedure of connecting website with facebook was little complicated and I tried to find one more way to handle this functionality, and really done this.
I have found new solution to provide this problem. Actually, Facebook shares a RSS feed from all available fanpages. Where did I found it? Of course, not in facebook developers page.
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PHPCon Poland 2013
This week has begun voting on the agenda for the conference PHPCon Poland 2013 (25-27th October in Szczyrk) where XSolve representation in the person of Wojciech Sznapka and Piotr Pasich proposed five topics:
- Clever development environments
- Automated tests – facts and myths
- Achieving smart architecture with Symfony2
- Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted
- Make Your Project SOLID!
After signing up you can vote for any number of presentations up to 25th August at the http://www.phpcon.pl/2013/pl/agenda website.
Full text searching in Symfony2
Generally, while working with simple search engines programmers have to anticipate issues involving users’ typos and mistakes. In this article I would like to present, compare and contrast three main types of full text searching in MySQL database – LIKE, SOUNDEX and MATCH AGAINST as these methods are some of the most popular solutions as well as they are readable and easy to implement.
Code examples below are prepared in Symfony 2.1 edition with preinstalled Doctrine 2 ORM extension.
It comes as no surprise that LIKE is a first option to consider. It’s a matching pattern used in SQL simple regular expression comparison.
It’s often implemented to search a piece of text in database’s table. There are two main types of regular expression signs:
- % – matches any number of characters
- _ – matches exactly one number of character
In example
SELECT login WHERE login LIKE “%@xsolve.pl”;
this statement should return us all logins in domain xsolve.pl.
But we can choose another way and use it to search all logins in all kind of xsolve namespaces:
SELECT login FROM User WHERE login LIKE “%@xsolve.%”;
Symfony 2 implementation
In Symfony 2 framework with Doctrine 2 implementing this kind of searching is very simple, because this part is built in QueryBuilder.
You can use it in repositories’ classes:
$query = $this>createQueryBuilder(‘u’)
->where(‘u.login LIKE :login’)
return $query->getResult();
You can find more in MySQL documentstion’s site:
Soundex is a more advanced function to compare text – not only it matches strings but also guesses if there are any typos. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work with foreign characters (for example with Polish or Russian language).
Soundex function returns a soundex string from parameter and that means two strings that sound almost identical should have the same soundex.
Additionally all non-alphabetical characters in parameters are ignored and all international alphabetical characters outside the A-Z range are treated as vowels.
In example
SELECT title FROM posts WHERE title SOUNDS LIKE “Atricle”;
this statement should return a ‘title’ of an ‘Article’ if there is one at all.
SELECT title FROM posts WHERE SOUNDEX(title) = SOUNDEX(“Atricle”);
Symfony2 implementation
Unfortunately, Soundex isn’t supported by Doctrine2.2, however there is a simple method to implement a DQL function.
First of all, we have to create a DQL class with a new method which returns string to SQL.
Then we configure Doctrine to find our new DQL option:
All right. Now we can use it in queryBuilder:
$query->andWhere(‘SOUNDEX(q.street) = SOUNDEX(:street)’);
You can read more about this method in MySQL documentation:
MySQL performs full text search using match()…against() syntax. MATCH() takes a comma-separated list that indicates columns to be searched. AGAINST() takes a string to search for and an optional modifier that determines type of search to perform.
The search string must be a string value that is constant during query evaluation. This rules out, for example, a table column because it can be different for each row.
This syntax has three types of searches:
- Boolean – interprets the search string using the rules of a special query language. The IN BOOLEAN MODE modifier specifies a boolean search.
- Natural – interprets the search string as a phrase in natural human language (a phrase in free text). Full-text searches are natural language searches if no modifier is given.
- Query expansion – is a modification of a natural language search. The search string is used to perform a natural language search. Then words from the most relevant rows returned by the search are added to the search string and the search is done again. The query returns the rows from the second search. The WITH QUERY EXPANSION modifier specifies a query expansion search.
In example
SELECT * FROM film_text WHERE MATCH (description) AGAINST (‘redeem’);
Symfony2 implementation
This case is similar to SOUNDEX method, but we will take a look at Jérémy Hubert‘s code from https://gist.github.com/1234419
We need to add a new function into config.yml file as in SOUNDEX example. After that we can use it in Symfony application:
You can read more about this method in MySQL documentation:
Uwierzytelnianie użytkownika przez Google OAuth API
Podczas prac nad jednym z ostatnich projektów spotkaliśmy się z problemem autentykacji użytkowników na stronie przez Google API. Jednak pomimo ogromnego zaangażowania community nie udało nam się znaleźć gotowego i działającego bundle’a przygotowanego dla Symfony 2.1, dlatego chcielibyśmy podzielić się jednym z wypracowanych przez zespół XSolve rozwiązań tego zagadnienia.
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Facebook – pobieranie ostatnich wpisów z fan page
Jednym z najmniej skomplikowanych przykładów, na podstawie których można zaprezentować ideę API Facebooka jest pobieranie danych z wybranego fan page’a do streamu aplikacji internetowej. W artykule chciałbym przedstawić, jak w prosty sposób podpiąć stronę internetową tak, aby mogła pobierać dane z konkretnego fan page’a wykorzystując API Facebooka i oczywiście Symfony 2. Continue reading