Hi! First of all I’d like to ask you a question – what’s your name? My name is Piotr and that is derived from the Greek Πετρος (Petros) meaning “stone”. Next to me is sitting my friend – Michael. Michael is from the Hebrew name מִיכָאֵל (Mikha’el) meaning “who is like God?” (after this article he has new @mention on hipchat). What do you think? Is it important how the parents call a baby? Does it determine his life? Some people assigns a deep meaning and character traits to the first name. But parents have own criteria to choose the baby’s name – is it beautiful enough? And I’d like to talk about those two criteriums – beautiful and meaningful. But not for baby, unless you think about your code like a baby.
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Category Archives: General
How to meet your estimates with the deadline
Estimate a project or a task is a huge issue for all developers. Even if your experience allows you to be pretty sure that your estimations are complete and you shouldn’t exceed them then there always might occur some problems. The thing I struggle with is I always think as a developer. So, in the result, I give the expected time of development and a due date set with this estimation could be confusing or even wrong. Think about the Definition of Done – it’s a complex and long process between the moment when you get the information about the task and the date when it would be deployed on production environment. The development is only one of those steps and good estimations should cover the whole process and give you a space for coffee, xbox, wii and soccer table.
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PHPCon 2014
PHPCon is far behind us. Emotions have subsided and I think this is a good moment do summarize what I remembered and learned during all presentations and workshops which I attended. Some of presented tools or methods wasn’t new for me, but I was fascinated by the speakers’ point of view.
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Programmer’s everyday life – challenges
It seemed to be just another ordinary day at work but it wasn’t. Yesterday, our team faced two challenging problems, which had blocked programmers’ work in two projects for a few hours. Now we are aware of the fact that the troubles could be simply avoided. That’s why I would like to share our experience and present those tricky, time consuming issues.
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#phpconpl 2013!
Za nami czwarta już edycja PHPCon Poland – na konferencję zespół XSolve przybył tłumnie, warto więc podsumować to wydarzenie krótkim komentarzem.
Zacznijmy od kwestii związanych z logistyką i koordynacją eventu. Biorąc pod uwagę lokalizację naszej siedziby, miejsce konferencji – Szczyrk – jest dla nas rozwiązaniem komfortowym (choć zdajemy sobie sprawę, że nie dla wszystkich jest to tak samo wygodne) i cieszy nas wiadomość, że w przyszłym roku spotykamy się w tym samym miejscu.
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SpreadIT – wrażenia!
Gliwicka konferencja SpreadIT już za nami, więc przyszedł czas na krótkie podsumowanie.
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Już w sobotę (19.10.2013) na wydziale Automatyki, Elektroniki i Informatyki Politechniki Śląskiej przy ul. Akademickiej 16 w Gliwicach odbędzie się w pełni otwarta konferencja SpreadIT. Podzielona została na trzy ścieżki – inżynieria oprogramowania, programowanie gier oraz tematyki miękkie. Z prezentacją make your project SOLID wystąpimy w pierwszej z nich o godzinie 14:30.
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PHPCon Poland 2013
This week has begun voting on the agenda for the conference PHPCon Poland 2013 (25-27th October in Szczyrk) where XSolve representation in the person of Wojciech Sznapka and Piotr Pasich proposed five topics:
- Clever development environments
- Automated tests – facts and myths
- Achieving smart architecture with Symfony2
- Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted
- Make Your Project SOLID!
After signing up you can vote for any number of presentations up to 25th August at the http://www.phpcon.pl/2013/pl/agenda website.