How To Setup Own Bitcoin Simulation Network


Paying for goods with Bitcoin is becoming more and more popular. If you run, maintain or develop an e-commerce website, ICO project, exchange, or trading system, you may be interested in a quick way of integrating with the Bitcoin blockchain.

This article will show one of many ways of installing a Bitcoin mining software and integrating a PHP application with it. I will present how to generate an address for your users and check if the transactions are confirmed.
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The Blockchain fundamentals for developers


During my journey with the cryptocurrency, I realized this is a common problem to find a highly qualified programmer who used to work with the cryptocurrency network. This is like finding a big panda in China – they are super rare. So, finally I was called a big panda and because I like to have some big panda friends, I decided to share the knowledge and my experience.

I will create a set of articles about the blockchain, the idea and general view, cryptocurrency – the Bitcoin, the Ethereum (including smart contracts), EOS (new fancy cryptocurrency that may be a trendsetter next year) and all troubles and problems that we faced.

From my personal experience, it came that the blockchain idea is both – technical and intricate. Coding without a strong knowledge about the background and idea of the blockchain brings to a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. Let’s start with the idea.

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Putting all pieces together and shipping with Codeship (part III)


Continuous deployment environment with Docker, AWS EB and Codeship

In the last two episodes we have configured the Docker environment and automated deployment with Elastic Beanstalk, but still the process requires some manual actions and I personally would like to avoid any unnecessary interference in the process. So, today I will walk you through combining all the pieces together and automating the process fully. A continuous integration system will be placed between developer’s environment and final servers. I’ll present how to achieve all of that with Codeship. What make me choose this particular mechanism? The simplicity of setting up, number of additional tools ready to use without installation and finally the fact that it isn’t time consuming.

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Automated deployment with AWS Elastic Beanstalk (EB) – Part II


Continuous deployment environment with Docker, AWS EB and Codeship

In the previous part we set up a dedicated Symfony application on Docker virtual containers and prepared environments that may be transferred between developers during project cycle. The next step is to prepare the application for pushing into the cloud. There are many options available on the market – Heroku, DigitalOcean and, my favorite, AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

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From 0 to Continuous deployment in 90 minutes


Two days ago I have published a post at X-Team blog about achieving continuous deployment process. To do so, I choose the Docker for visualization, AWS Elastic Beanstalk as a delivery environment and Codeship as continuous integration system.

The tutorial is created as a video screencasting starting from a basic Symfony application and and carried us to the fully automated environment. We start from configuring Docker on local machine, preparing the integration with Amazon Webservices and automating the deployment with Codeship.

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Rabbit behind the scenes


Queuing in the background – getting started with RabbitMQ message broker

In PHP business logic is usually put right in action’s method or just behind it. Hence, every little piece of delaying and long-running code will be processed with a request. The problem is almost undetectable if a user sends an e-mail but with more complex actions it may take a little bit longer than preferred.
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CakePHP with Symfony’s2 router


A couple of months ago I have started my adventure with CakePhp and as every Symfony’s developer I thought that any other framework except Symfony is a piece of crap. Day by day and step by step I began to realize that’s not so bad as it seemed to be in the beginning. Well, the second version of CakePhp still has a lot old-fashioned patterns, singletons or lack of tests, but I can live with that. I saw a lot of better or worse frameworks in my life. However, one module remains a bitter aftertaste – the router.
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