ClassManager – You shall not pass


Hi! First of all I’d like to ask you a question – what’s your name? My name is Piotr and that is derived from the Greek Πετρος (Petros) meaning “stone”.  Next to me is sitting my friend – Michael. Michael is from the Hebrew name מִיכָאֵל (Mikha’el) meaning “who is like God?” (after this article he has new @mention on hipchat).  What do you think? Is it important how the parents call a baby? Does it determine his life? Some people assigns a deep meaning and character traits to the first name. But parents have own criteria to choose the baby’s name – is it beautiful enough? And I’d like to talk about those two criteriums – beautiful and meaningful. But not for baby, unless you think about your code like a baby.
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Friday Dopamine Dump


When we were in Madrid last year, a book was accompanied me – the new edition of Clean Code authored by Uncle Bob. He describes how the professional programmer acts, works, talks and develops himself. Robert C. Martin claims an example from his own life – a quick, 15 minutes, code kata done twice a day. I think this requires a lot of discipline which might be hard to achieve at the beginning, so I propose you to schedule one hour a week to learn something new. To help you I’d love to start the same. I hope to share my ideas, kata scenarios, links, tools, and the process with you and I hope you would do the same.
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