Putting all pieces together and shipping with Codeship (part III)


Continuous deployment environment with Docker, AWS EB and Codeship

In the last two episodes we have configured the Docker environment and automated deployment with Elastic Beanstalk, but still the process requires some manual actions and I personally would like to avoid any unnecessary interference in the process. So, today I will walk you through combining all the pieces together and automating the process fully. A continuous integration system will be placed between developer’s environment and final servers. I’ll present how to achieve all of that with Codeship. What make me choose this particular mechanism? The simplicity of setting up, number of additional tools ready to use without installation and finally the fact that it isn’t time consuming.

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Automated deployment with AWS Elastic Beanstalk (EB) – Part II


Continuous deployment environment with Docker, AWS EB and Codeship

In the previous part we set up a dedicated Symfony application on Docker virtual containers and prepared environments that may be transferred between developers during project cycle. The next step is to prepare the application for pushing into the cloud. There are many options available on the market – Heroku, DigitalOcean and, my favorite, AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

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Continuous Deployment environment with Docker, AWS EB and Codeship


Part I – Setting up environment with Docker

I have spent a lot of time watching presentations about automated deployment with Ansible, Capifony, Capistrano or making consistent environments with Vagrant or VirtualBox, but all of those presentations did not tought me how to build environment from scratch, to achieve complete continuous delivery system. And that’s why I decided to create a series of tutorials in which we will configure a virtual machine, join the configuration to the project, automatically deploy and connect everything together with a continuous delivery tool.

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