ClassManager – You shall not pass


Hi! First of all I’d like to ask you a question – what’s your name? My name is Piotr and that is derived from the Greek Πετρος (Petros) meaning “stone”.  Next to me is sitting my friend – Michael. Michael is from the Hebrew name מִיכָאֵל (Mikha’el) meaning “who is like God?” (after this article he has new @mention on hipchat).  What do you think? Is it important how the parents call a baby? Does it determine his life? Some people assigns a deep meaning and character traits to the first name. But parents have own criteria to choose the baby’s name – is it beautiful enough? And I’d like to talk about those two criteriums – beautiful and meaningful. But not for baby, unless you think about your code like a baby.
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It’s Monday, you could use some motivation


Three days ago I decided to give you some motivation to start doing a code kata (see the Friday Dopamine Dump). Well, if you forgotten, haven’t got any time, had to do something more important and didn’t even try to try, then stop. No excuses! If you really want to do this – just start. Schedule one hour this week, cancel all meeting that time and say your wife that you need man’s time (she will understand, mine did).
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Friday Dopamine Dump


When we were in Madrid last year, a book was accompanied me – the new edition of Clean Code authored by Uncle Bob. He describes how the professional programmer acts, works, talks and develops himself. Robert C. Martin claims an example from his own life – a quick, 15 minutes, code kata done twice a day. I think this requires a lot of discipline which might be hard to achieve at the beginning, so I propose you to schedule one hour a week to learn something new. To help you I’d love to start the same. I hope to share my ideas, kata scenarios, links, tools, and the process with you and I hope you would do the same.
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SPL Iterators against the performance


This topic’s stayed in my mind for a while. Inspired by Joshua Thijssen’s presentation from PHP UK about (re)discovering the SPL in PHP, I decided to investigate this more carefully. I have to admit that took me some time to understand how the things work and how to not misunderstood the purposes of each iterator and because of lack of documentation it wasn’t that easy. I did a couple of mistakes and probably I will do more, but as Joshua said in his presentation:

The documentation of SPL is completely useless. What can we do? Blog about it!

So, brave yourself. Here my blogpost comes!

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SymfonyCon 2014 – Day #2


The second day was a pretty funny for me. This one started when I left my friends and had gone to listen to presentations and they chose to eat breakfast instead. I think this happened just because of hunger – I decided to write to Anne Sophie and make a presentation during lighting talks. Crazy, huh? But, I’ll talk about this later, because a lot happened meanwhile.
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How to meet your estimates with the deadline


Estimate a project or a task is a huge issue for all developers. Even if your experience allows you to be pretty sure that your estimations are complete and you shouldn’t exceed them then there always might occur some problems. The thing I struggle with is I always think as a developer. So, in the result, I give the expected time of development and a due date set with this estimation could be confusing or even wrong. Think about the Definition of Done – it’s a complex and long process between the moment when you get the information about the task and the date when it would be deployed on production environment. The development is only one of those steps and good estimations should cover the whole process and give you a space for coffee, xbox, wii and soccer table.
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PHPCon 2014


PHPCon is far behind us. Emotions have subsided and I think this is a good moment do summarize what I remembered and learned during all presentations and workshops which I attended. Some of presented tools or methods wasn’t new for me, but I was fascinated by the speakers’ point of view.
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Rabbit behind the scenes


Queuing in the background – getting started with RabbitMQ message broker

In PHP business logic is usually put right in action’s method or just behind it. Hence, every little piece of delaying and long-running code will be processed with a request. The problem is almost undetectable if a user sends an e-mail but with more complex actions it may take a little bit longer than preferred.
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